Okay, a little history. Tatum and I grew up in the same ward (church) and have a lot of fun memories from Young Women's (a church program). We hadn't seen each other in about 6 years, and found each other online.
Tatum, can you believe I found a pic of us together so young? Gotta love those birthday parties! I'm the one with the birthday cake and Tatum is on the back row on the left hand side with black hair.

This next one is of us at girls camp (another church program) writing in our journals. Tatum and I both LOVE writing. That camp was so fun! I had some embarrassing pictures from that year that I can't find, dangit!

Okay, so here are the Chicago pix. The first night I arrived, Tatum took me to the cutest little chocolate shop called Ethel's. It was so fun just to sit on the couches and catch up on life while we drank the yummiest hot chocolate I've ever tasted!

The next day Tatum took me to get sushi for lunch.

It was snowing and very cold that day.

After lunch we looked in some shops and then saw "The Other Boleyn Girl". It was very scandalous and tragic, we LOVED it! We couldn't stop talking about it the whole weekend and I ended up buying the book for the plane ride home!

Next, we rode into town and took taxi's all over the place.

If you think Utah is cold, try Chicago!

Here's the city!

We went to Tatum's office and this is the view she has! AMAZING!

Okay, guilty confession, I STUFFED MY FACE THE WHOLE TRIP! This picture is funny because it shows how glutenously happy I am to be eating my icecream cookie right after I had an icecream bar. I think I came back at least 5 lbs heavier!

Don't believe me? This is us getting Chicago pizza right after the icecream.

And can I forget to tell you how wonderful the calamari was?!

Here's a picture of us after dinner. I look like a whale next to teeny tiny Tatum!

After dinner we met up with Tatum's husband Sam and went to see Wicked!

Can you tell I'm excited?! :)

Next day was Sunday and Tatum teaches in the Nursery at church.

We went for a walk around the Lake after that.

Sam walked over an ice bridge and almost fell in the Lake!

Tatum and Sam. What a cute couple!

That night I helped Tatum make dinner and I made Sam take a picture of us so that Ryan would believe it. (Ryan is definitely the cook in our family, not me!)

That night we just watched movie after movie, after movie! My favorite one was "Skeleton Key"!

The next day we went to the spa and got pedicures!

We had to walk home in the little foam shoes so we wouldn't smudge our toes. Talk about cold! By the way Tatum, I still have blue on one of my big toes and both pinky toes! I haven't taken it off yet!

Then we went on a mad hunt for Indian Curry before I had to go back to the airport. Every place was closed but luckily we finally found a place that let us get take out.

I was sad to leave.

We had so much fun together. I learned that it's really important to just take some time with your girlfriends and rejuvenate. Love and miss you! xoxoxoxo

i was in chicago last summer for only a few hours and i fell in love with it.
it looks like you had a lot of fun, i'm glad i found your blog. it's nice.
thank you
OH my gosh, this looks like so much fun and says volumes about good friends and rejuvenation. You look fabo in all the pictures and could never look like a whale. Wait.......I haven't seen you pregnant. j/k. Seriously though, I really enjoyed this post.
wow, I mean to say, "speaks volumes"
i heart you, kristen!!! i love every bit of this blog (except for my horrible girls camp pic, what am i, a burn victim or something???!!!). haha!!! who's birthday part was that from the first pic? i miss you so much! we had the best girl time ever.
It was my birthday party probably from the second grade. Isn't it funny to see everyone like Alisha, Sarah, Misty, Ellen, etc.? You silly girl, you don't look like a burned victim!
how sad that i forgot! i heart you.
WOW! Looks like you had tons of fun. I want to see wicked so badly I'm hoping they'll come to Raleigh.
yay, i'm so glad you have a blog. I'm sorry we haven't gotten together. life has been crazy, but now I know your a blogger, we can keep in touch! Bryndee
Your Trip looks like so much fun! I'm so glad that you got to do it!
Girls, that sounds like crazy fun! It was awesome to get to see pictures of the two of you. Hope both of you are doing awesome.
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