Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Rings of the Tree

There has been A LOT going on this month! The greatest news in the world is that my husband and I will be adopting twin girls by the end of next month. We are SOOO EXCITED!! We have a family blog so I try to keep this blog more focused on creative projects rather than personal matters. Here's my latest project: A music video promoting a multi-media play I was in (but had to drop out of because of the timing of the adoption) called "Rings of the Tree" which opens this weekend. It's going to be a phenomenal show.  You can purchase tickets at


Misty said...

That was great, Kristen! You are so talented and you will make one heck of a mom. I'm so happy for you!!

Kristen said...

Thanks for your kind words Misty. We are so excited to be parents! xo

Bryon's little piece of web. said...

Ran across your video on The Piano Guys Facebook page. You have a beautiful voice!

Have you considered singing celtic music? You have the crystal clear voice that most celtic musicians have.

Thank you for sharing your talents and congrats on the twin adoption!

Kristen Jensen said...

Hello Bryon! I'm just barely seeing your comment for the first time and don't even know if you'll see mine! I'm used to the Facebook platform of commenting and don't really understand the blogging platform but I wanted to thank you for your kind words. I LOVE celtic music! It's my favorite genre actually so it makes me so happy you suggested it. I hope to put out more music soon and hope you enjoy! :)