Thursday, February 8, 2018

Acro & Aerial Arts

I’ve discovered a new passion- Acro and Aerial arts.  It started with an acro-yoga class and the curiosity to try aerial silks, then BOOM, I was hooked.  Every week my husband and I go to an acro-yoga class together to work on our balance, strength, and flexibility.  It also helps us to maintain and improve communication and trust.  I highly recommend acro-yoga for all couples.
I attend silk classes weekly and have now tried other apparatus as well such as the Lyra (hoop), pole, and aerial hammock.  It’s an addicting and fun new way to exercise.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Identity & Titles

For a long time I would hinge my identity on titles. Wife. Mom. Actress. etc.  After years of doing this, I realize that those things are aspects of me, but they aren't who I am; they are things I love.

Acting, for example, is something I could identify with for a really long time because it was a way for me to have cathartic release and artistic expression.  However, a chosen profession or hobby does not sum up who a person is.  Titles change. Hobbies change. Interests change. People change.

We go through life collecting titles, trying to validate our worth.

As a girl who grew up in a religious home, I was always taught that we are children of God, spiritual offspring of the creator.  This gave deeper meaning to who we are.  It planted a bigger picture than just a series of moments defining us, but an entire existence given so that we can learn and grow.

I’m grateful for the journey more than the titles, but, titles can help guide our journey along. They give us goals to work towards which is a good thing, so long as we don’t fall in the trap of letting it define our worth.